Legislative Background

In order to fulfill our legislative obligation, the work to develop the Black and Latino Course of Studies was organized into nine committees with specific tasks and timelines. The work of each committee was facilitated by a SERC Liaison to ensure seamless communication and workflow between committees.
A complete outline of committees can be found here.

Research and Evaluation

To ascertain what current implementation and best practices look like across the state. This will include the development and analysis of a high school curriculum survey, as well as, the review and synthesis of other state’s curriculum.

Focus Groups

To garner input from a variety of stakeholders, including community members, educators (i.e., administrators, curriculum coordinators, teachers), parents, and students.

This committee will organize five (5) regional focus groups at local high schools, determine the protocol for each focus group, and conduct analysis of themes to inform course development.

Infrastructure Supports

To develop recommendations for implementation of course, including: description for Program of Studies, resources for board of education course approval process, staffing/credentialing requirements, and high school/college credit determination.

Course Syllabus

The Course Syllabus Committee will develop a framework, including learning objectives, outline of scope and sequence of content aligned with national and local standards, and teaching pedagogy.

African American/Black Content Development

To create units of study based on framework developed, including repository of African American/Black resources and materials for lesson planning.

Puerto Rican/Latino Content Development

To create units of study based on framework developed, including repository of Puerto Rican/Latino resources and materials for lesson planning

Integration of Content and Assessment

To work with the approved vendor to produce curriculum in print and electronic formats that can be easily disseminated. In addition, the committee will support the development of a method to gather feedback and sample lessons during initial phase of implementation.

Publication and Dissemination

To work with the approved vendor to produce curriculum in print and electronic format that can be easily disseminated.  In addition, the committee will support the development of a method to gather feedback during initial phase of implementation.

Professional Learning Plan

To outline professional learning plan for initial implementers (2020-2021), including summer institute and year-long coaching.