Course Syllabus
The Course Syllabus Committee will develop a framework, including learning objectives, outline of scope and sequence of content aligned with national and local standards, and teaching pedagogy.
Draft Documents
*Draft* Course Description (PDF)
This is a Draft Document and is for preview purposes only. It should not be disseminated or used in any way.
*Draft* Learning Objectives and Essential Questions (PDF)
This is a Draft Document and is for preview purposes only. It should not be disseminated or used in any way.
Course Syllabus Committee Members
SERC Liaison: Paquita Jarman-Smith

Nataliya Braginsky
Social Studies Teacher Metropolitan Business Academy, New Haven Public Schools

Addys Castillo
Executive Director, City-Wide Youth Coalition

Dr. Anne Gebelein
Associate Professor, Latin American and Caribbean Studies University of CT
Fana Hickinson
Teacher New Haven Academy, New Haven Public Schools

Elizabeth Mancini
Social Studies Department Chair Middletown High School, Middletown Public Schools

Dr. Shayla Nunnally
Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Africana Studies Program University of Tennessee (Formerly at UCONN)

Sara Slogesky
K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Specialist South Windsor Public Schools

Dr. Fiona Vernal
Associate Professor, History and Africana Studies University of CT